Friday, August 21, 2020

Bmx Cycle Solutions

Question # 1 What business is LCI in? What are the key achievement factors? How tasks can contribute? LCI BUSINESS: LCI was established in 1994 by Mr. Sheik Ubaidullah, a Former Chairman of Pakistan Cycle Cooperative Society Limited. LCI is situated at Ferozpur Road, eighteen miles south of Lahore Pakistan. LCI advertised its bikes under the brand name of Leader bikes. LCI was in a bad way and monetarily bankrupt , all shops run by one administrators , its creation was for all intents and purposes zero when Managing chief at Descon Mr. Razaq Dawood obtained LCI in June 1999. He employed new 6 architects since 1999 in following offices like creation arranging, creation planning, stock control and quality control to set up all the vital frameworks and methodology so as to turn LCI around. In May 2002 Five bikes â€manufacturing organizations (contenders) existed in showcase, consolidated limit of these organizations creating bikes were 580,000bicyles per annum, and all were running at or close to limit, the opposition was extremely intense. Up to May 2002. LCI was creating 60,000 bikes/annum, in May 2002, LCI began delivering fabricating its new item named BMX cycles, for advancement in this new item, following a year-long exchange with Hercules of England, Decscon obtained from them the assembling and innovation right, in Pakistan, for the extremely well known BMX cycle, Hercules additionally consented to send architects to Lahore for ten-week time spans so as to help in set up the plant, tooling and train the staff. KEY SUCCESS FACTORS: * Senior Management of LCI needed to present the BMX Cycle in showcase before contenders, and Mr. Mansoor Waraich, Senior Planning Engineer, had a great deal of weight by the top administration of LCI to finish this tremendous creation of BMX Cycles. That gigantic creation was painstakingly arranged and all the procedures where firmly checked and updated. * Mr. Razaq Dawood, Managing Director, of Descon, assumed control over the LCI not so great , and he set up every single essential framework and strategies like creation arranging, creation booking, stock control and quality control so as to turn LCI around , it is additionally a factor of the achievement of LCI * Another key achievement factor was that Descon called Hercules of England specialists to prepare LCI’s staff. LCI’s staff can likewise go to England for a similar preparing for a particular period. Tasks CONTRIBUTION: LCI is a Production Company so activities assumes significant job. Redistributing and subcontracting of various crude materials is accomplished for the better consequence of activities. All the plants structure was planned in a manner with the goal that they can limit the wastage and can amplify the creation. Labor was likewise doled out as indicated by their ability and work was employed on every day wage framework. Question # 2 What is your Analysis of the BMX creation process? How might you describe this procedure? Investigation OF BMX PRODUCTION PROCESS: BMX creation process is nearly in succession, all procedures relies upon one another, in the event that one procedure is skipped, at that point they can't finish other piece of cycle, in different wards they can't overlook just a solitary procedure, As LCI needed to present BMX in showcase before contenders and the executives needed to deliver enormous amount of BMX cycles so LCI bought distinctive completed parts for BMX cycles from a few providers, similar to, seats , pedals, handle bars, outline cushions, and tires were straightforwardly bought and introduced , however opposite side , a few sections, similar to sheet metal, metal loops, steel bans and channels were fabricated from crude materials gained locally and abroad. The board employed perpetual and day by day paid work in all shops to finish assignments effectively and in opportune, this arranging was demonstrated exceptionally accommodating to finish tremendous creation. First procedure is cutting shop: This shop having 3 machines for cutting metal funnels into various lengths to utilize get ready base section shell, casings and handle bar, this shop run under one chief and 4 full time representatives Second procedure is Bottom section shell shop: This Shop contained three 600 tons procedures and 6 presses running from 60 to 100 tons, overwhelming pieces of bike like BB shell were made in this shop , this shop run under management of one boss and 4 full time workers. Handle Shop: BMX bike handles were fabricated at this shop totally, a particular machine naturally twisted the put pipe in almost no time into suitable setup and slice the handle bars to length and knurled. These Knurled to help hold the handle bar grasp. BMX enameling and Phosphating Shop: All pieces of bike were enameling and phasphating, phaspating treatment empowered the steel surface to hold the enameled paint for quite a while and give a sturdy completion, all partes were put on dances and hold tight a transport, this transport went through a drying stove at a speed permitting each part to be heated at 1500C for roughly 50 minutes. Edge Shop; Bicycle Rims contained at this shop, One mm thick and 83 mm wide metal loops required to get ready edge and these edges imported from barazil or Japan, at that point front end curl was welded with back end curls lastly, the edges was twisted into a necessary sweep and cut subsequent to polishing and cleaning. Press Shop: A particular machine at press search for granulating and polishing the pieces of edges and two parts of the bargains been welded together Saddle, Brake and Hub Shop: Hubs and seat for BMX cycle were amassed at this shop, circle clasps of were produced at LCI , different parts like seat edges and seat covers were secured by seller and gathered physically at opposite finish of same shop. Machine Shop: Four creation machines like a pounding machine, a processing machine and four penetrating machines are contained at this shop, a few pieces of BMX cycle registration, lock-nut and wheel valve delivered in machine shop, this machine was working half of its ability Electroplating Shop: A few pieces of BMX like Hub ribs, steel edges , light sections, spanners and chain wheels electroplate at this shop, this machine have constrained hardware limit so twofold move running six days out of every week for electroplating. BMX Welding line: This shop have 5 welding stations and a mitering machine , various pieces of cycle welded and metering machine give a smooth bend at the parts of the bargains once this machine was set then all cylinders naturally mitered the cylinder. Last Assembly Area: This zone have 6 work stations, fitting machine and a gathering track transport, every single fabricated piece of BMX cycle amass on these 6 stations, at long last all the congregations and extra parcels were stuffed in a cardboard container for conveyance. Qualities, All shops worked effectively and all work stations occupied to get ready doled out parts on same time so it’s supportive to deliver gigantic creation, the board took choices for day by day paid and month to month paid representatives, and paid them alluring compensation. Question # 3 Given the interest in BMX cycle producing line, what is the compensation time frame? Each bike Price = 2400 Gross edge = 8. 3% Profit edge for each bike = 2400 x 8. 3% = 199. 2 Production Capacity = 60,000 Profit edge for 60,000 bikes are = 199. 2 x 60000 = 11952000 Payback on net edge = 2 Years and 2 Months Question # 4 Assume the enameling plant limit is 3000 bikes for each month, as senior arranging Engineer, what options are accessible to expand BMX cycle creation? According to upper management’s drive to grow activities, a multi year old enameling unit that was bought for Rs 3 Million of every 1999. So as to build creation LCI notwithstanding subcontracted enameling should begin in house creation in equal by using the unit bought. It might need to contribute on up-degree of the unit as required to fulfill the present creation guidelines. Organization bought enameling machine yet they didn't utilize it, in light of the fact that redistributing and subcontracting was available in LCI’s convention so upper administration should transform it and it’s better to use enameling machine, acquire it use, so BMX creation will be expanded. Question # 5 What is your suggestion and why? Following are the Recommendations and the reasons LCI ought to do some estimating for recognizing the genuine need of their item in the market, * They should give ad however email, news paper and web TV include and so forth, * They ought to do SWOT exami nation of their own organization and their rivals. * They ought to improve their shortcomings, and they should deliver bike for seniors * They should recruit some merchant for parts of BMX so it is proposed that they ought to organize of those machines at their organization, it’s additionally sparing the expense and time. * For supporting the market position more development is required, the plans of bikes ought to be redesigned and changed to draw in the clients towards the item.

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